21 Things I am grateful for from 2021

Aditya Bajaj
2 min readDec 31, 2021
Photo by Alexas_Fotos on Unsplash

Being grateful is being humble. I am grateful for so many things in my life and here I want to list 21 things that I am especially grateful for from the year 2021.

I am grateful that…

  1. 🏋️‍♂️ I kept healthy and well throughout the year 2021 and did not have any sickness 👩‍⚕️
  2. 🦠 I was not affected by Covid-19 and my loved ones as well
  3. 🕉 I kept my faith in God and God stood by my side
  4. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 I was able to spend quality time with my family for an extended duration
  5. 🪔 I was able to celebrate festivals with my loved ones
  6. 🏡 I have a beautiful home in Chicago and my landlords treat me kindly
  7. 👨‍👩‍👦 I have parents who do so much every single day to make me happy, always there to solve my problems, and answer my questions even at odd hours
  8. 👫 I have brothers and sisters who loved spending their time with me
  9. 👩‍❤️‍👨 I have a wife who is kind, understanding, forgiving, and loving
  10. 👶🏻 I am blessed with a beautiful and handsome boy
  11. 🏖 I could live my dream of visiting Goa with my best friends
  12. 👯 I have friends who treat me as their family and be there in times of need and joy
  13. 🙋‍♂️ I have friends who went out of their way to help me and also welcomed us in their abode
  14. 💼 I have a job which is rewarding and fulfilling
  15. 💁‍♂️ I have colleagues who understands, cooperate, and care for my needs
  16. 📚 I have access to great learning resources and access to library for book
  17. 🍛 I had my plate full and did not have to sleep empty stomach
  18. 🎗 I was able to help those in need
  19. 🚙 I could fulfill my dream of buying a car of my dream brand
  20. 👩‍⚕️ I have access to a very good health care services that keeps my family safe and healthy
  21. 👨‍💻 I have access to technology to learn and share. And, that I can write this list

Thank you, Everyone!

Thank you, 2021!



Aditya Bajaj

Curiosity & Purpose-driven Product Builder. Passionate abt Agile, Design & Experience. I ❤ places, people, books, foods, stories. Proud Father👨‍👦