3 Failproof Ways to Read More Books đź“š

Aditya Bajaj
2 min readDec 13, 2022

If you are not able to read as much as you’d like to or your list of To-Read is an evergrowing list without getting that incredibly happy and sad feeling of finishing books — then these are three tried and tested methods I’ve been using to read more and more books. I am hoping this will help you too:

Photo by Charles Loyer on Unsplash

1. Involve your senses — Get Physical Book

While I am okay with travelers and minimalists who like to keep one device over tens and hundreds of books, the first that works for me are having a Book. Get it from a library or loan it from a friend (must return it back) but get a copy of a physical printed book.

Having a physical book will help you carry it, feel it, and read it.

2. Pages over Screens — Avoid all screens (Phone/Laptop/iPad/TV)

The best strategy to avoid screen is to hide it, and you’ll most likely forget it. In the case of the TV hide the remote and/or unplug the tv (it saves electricity as well).

Out of sight is out of mind — and that will give you more focused uninterrupted time with your beloved book.

3. Read just 10 pages

This is the simplest technique. If you aim to read 100–200 pages in a day, very likely you won’t even pick the book. If you target just 10 pages it should take about 15–20 mins.

The only way to read more books is to read more pages.

This will work because 1. you’ll get confidence; and 2. You’ll start getting interested and you may want to continue. Try to read at least 10 pages before evening. So, in case you miss you could still try and do it before sleeping vs postponing to read-only before sleeping. If possible read at least 10 pages before sleeping and 10 pages before evening.

Wish you another year full of books, reading, and wisdom!

PS: Let me know what worked for you and I am curious to know what other techniques you apply.



Aditya Bajaj

Curiosity & Purpose-driven Product Builder. Passionate abt Agile, Design & Experience. I ❤ places, people, books, foods, stories. Proud Father👨‍👦